Autumn 2023
It is time for our next energetic transition from our Summer Fire Rhythm to that of Fall.  Autumn Equinox occurs on Sept 23, 2023 at 1:50 AM CST.  During the season of Fall, our Earth Rhythm Energy moves into the same alignment as the Sun- to the Center of our Rhythm Cycle.  The Fall Equinox marks an equal amount of sun and night for the world.  Our Rhythm Earth Energy is the energy of Transition.  Fall is a time of letting go of….. whatever it is that we need to release. 
Observe Mother Nature as She transitions into Fall with leaves turning colors and dropping from the trees.  Squirrels and Bears are busy feeding and stashing food for the long dark winter to come.  Milk Weed pods are beginning to burst open to spread their seeds to be sown before the winter snow and rains arrive.
With Earth Rhythm in Transition, we reflect on our Self-Compassion, releasing worry and stop getting into other folk’s business.  Utilize this time to step into the flow of life and not be rushed.  Feel the Love you share with others for YOURSELF! 
Give yourself permission to CARE ABOUT YOU FIRST. 
If we are energetically unbalanced and unhealthy, how can we care for anyone? 
All the Airline companies get it- Learn from their simple lesson-
“Put Your Oxygen Mask on FIRST- BEFORE You Try To Help Anyone Else” !!!
Self-Care, Self-Compassion and Self-Love come from the Heart of Your SOUL for a very good reason.  This is how we Evolve into a Higher Spiritual Being on this Earth! 
Earth helps & supports us with our transition into winter.
Fall Equinox is not to be confused with Daylight Saving time- that occurs on November 5, 2023.
A quick Energy Tool to use to help us release, let go of, and receive fresh energy is to Open your Crown Chakra, Tap Your Heart, and Feel your feet deep in the Center of Mother Earth, Connected to Your Earth Star Chakra! Now BREATHE!
Give yourself permission to release ‘stuff’ with SELF-COMPASSION and LOVE with each Breath!!
Open up
Release & Let Go
Receive the New
Step into Gratitude!
Many Blessings,
Dr. Gail