January, 2023
I ask myself this question every year- “What is Winter trying to teach me?” Seems my focus is more on staying warm, keeping gloves and scarves at the ready, snow shovels and ice melt in stock, and of course- the snow cleats for my boots so I don’t slip and fall on the ice!!
Well, the Season of Winter isn’t about these areas really. The Season is actually one of our Five Rhythms, Winter, Spring, Summer, Indian Summer, and Fall. Winter is associated with the Rhythm of Water.
Water is the beginning of all creation. Everything you can see, or touch has its’ beginnings with water. Winter is cold in most places. Ponds and rivers freeze, snow falls, and the sun disappears for the majority of the time. What’s so grand about this change in seasons? Many would say there’s little good for winter.
I hear others say things like, ‘When it’s so cold and frozen, there is no growth taking place’. ‘I can’t wait for spring to come so life can resume’.
Our Ancestors knew of the many gifts of winter that are often overlooked. Winter stops the natural growth of Mother Nature to allow that which is hidden deep beneath the surface a chance to reformulate and start the new beginnings of life. The water never fully freezes if deep enough. There is always new cellular growth taking place even in the most frozen parts of the world! Winter allows all living things the opportunity to regroup and contemplate where the next steps might be taken after the freeze is over. We retreat within our homes and ourselves in order to self-reflect what it is that we are to accomplish next.
Winter offers us stillness during our isolation from the cold darker days. Isolation is a positive part of our Rhythm Cycle. We need time to interact with self and Spirit. Ask your Heart – what it is that I need to listen to. What am I to learn this Winter? How do I lessen my fears?
Fear is the unbalanced energy of our Water Rhythm- our Winter Rhythm. Learn to listen to your inner truth. Trust what is being messaged to you via the quiet whispers of your Heart. Step into your power and begin creating your next phase of life now.
Remember a while back we brought the message to you that fear is only a 4-letter word that you don’t need it in your life! Trusting in yourself and your Higher Spirit will help you resolve fear. Just think JOY! Say the word JOY and watch a smile come over your face and your Heart begins a new song!
Here is an Energy Tool to use to help break the habit of fear. This can be used in any Rhythm Season, any time of day, anywhere you are!
Place your Left hand across your forehead gently.
The Right hand is placed flat on your Right Hip Bone.
Take a few breaths in this position.
Now move the Left hand to your Heart and breathe.
Feel your energy shift to a calmer state.
Listen for the Whispers of your Heart!
Trust what you hear!
Let the scatter chatter of your mind slow down and maybe even stop! How wonderful that would be- right!!
EnJOY your Rhythm of Winter! EnJoy the Peace of Stillness!
Many Blessings to Everyone and All of Mother Nature from Spirit!
Dr. Gail
P.S.- I’d love to hear about the message your Heart sends you and how it changes your life!! Feel free to email me your experiences at healing@drgailV.com