ALTA- Your Spiritual Discharge Form
Alta by one definition is ‘discharge form’.  What has this to do with raising your Spiritual vibration higher ?  You can take this ‘discharge form’ and use it to be officially ‘discharged’ from the lower energetic vibrations holding you in the lower dense energies.
        AWARENESS – open your mind and Heart to that which you do not see.  Begin to accept that you are part of the vast network of Spirit. 
        LISTEN – quiet the scatter chatter in your head.  Be still and listen for your Divine messages to come to you in the form of thoughts and ideas.
        TRUST – step out of fear and Trust yourself!  Inside you lies a wonderous soul guiding your every step. 
        ACT – Go Do It!  Use the messages you received in your daily life.  Make change happen!  Step outside the ‘box’ and create new paths to walk upon.  Experience and interact with Life!
As you use your new ‘discharge form’ into higher energetic vibrations, ALTA your life and transform as you become Aware and Listen and Trust Yourself! 

I wish you and your loved ones a most Blessed and Joyous Holiday Season. I extend to you much Gratitude for your dedication to raising your energetic vibration and following ‘your’ path!